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We provide financial assistance to give women and girls a hand up to pursue their education programs that lead to social and economic empowerment. Education is the pathway to economically empowering women and girls.
  • When you learn, your families live healthier lives.
  • When you pursue an education, you are more likely to get well-paying jobs where you can financially contribute to the family and the nation.
  • When you pursue education, you have higher self esteem and confidence, making it less likely that you will be a victim.
You are the reason we work all year to raise money to give you a hand up. We do this because you have a dream and you have fought for that dream in one way or another. You see, it is not about winning, it is about not giving up. It is not about the many times you get rejected or when you fall down or when you feel crushed, it is about how many times you stand up and are brave enough to keep going. You Inspire us! Apply now!
If you don't build your dreams, someone will hire you to build theirs.



Live your Dream is a National Soroptimist Educational Award given by most clubs in the United States. This  award is for women who provide primary financial support for themselves and their dependents. Dependents can include children, spouse, partner, siblings and/or parent. It can be used for books, tuition or living expenses incurred by going to school whether it's a College or a Technical school.

Applications are accepted between August 1st and November 15th each year.





Soroptimist International of Clark County makes financial awards available to women and girls residing in our community.  In order to qualify for financial assistance an application must be completed and submitted, along with two references.  Each applicant must show that she is interested in continuing her education, through either a community college, vocational or technical school and/or undergraduate degree. She must demonstrate a financial need.  Applicants will also be asked to provide information on their career plans, and any challenges or obstacles that she must overcome to achieve her goals.

Applications can be submitted anytime after August 1st until January 20th each year.  



Soroptimist International of Clark County

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